As a parent, it is natural to want to do everything you can to help your child feel safe and secure. The Circle of Security is a model of parenting that was developed by researchers and clinicians at the University of Washington and is based on the belief that all children have an inherent need for security and that a secure attachment with a caregiver is essential for healthy social and emotional development.

The Circle of Security model suggests that there are four key areas of security that are important for young children:

  • Emotional availability: This refers to the educators ability to be emotionally present and responsive to the child's needs and emotions.

  • Predictability and consistency: This refers to the educators ability to provide a sense of stability and predictability for the child, through routines and expectations that are consistent and reliable.

  • Structuring and guiding: This refers to the educators ability to provide appropriate boundaries and structure for the child, helping them to feel safe and secure.

  • Respect for the child's autonomy: This refers to the educators  ability to respect the child's independence and encourage their autonomy while also providing appropriate guidance and support.

At Insight Early Learning, educators can use the Circle of Security model to help children feel safe and secure. This might involve providing emotional availability, such as responding to a child's cries or needs in a timely and compassionate manner. It might also involve providing predictability and consistency through routines and expectations that are consistent and reliable, as well as providing appropriate structure and guidance through boundaries and limits. Finally, it involves respecting the child's autonomy and encouraging their independence while also providing appropriate guidance and support.

By using the Circle of Security model, educators at Insight Early Learning can help children feel safe and secure, which is essential for healthy social and emotional development. This can have a positive impact on children's overall wellbeing and success in the Early Childhood setting.

Overall, the Circle of Security model is a valuable tool for educator, helping them understand the importance of building a strong and secure attachment with their children. By focusing on these four areas of security, educators at Insight Early Learning can help children feel safe and secure, setting the foundation for healthy social and emotional development.